Here is a list of all functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
- g -
- g_actual_time
: generic_networkhandler.h
- g_assembly_data064
: sampleapplication.c
- g_assembly_data096
: sampleapplication.c
- g_assembly_data097
: sampleapplication.c
- g_assembly_data09A
: sampleapplication.c
- g_common_packet_format_data_item
: cpf.c
, cpf.h
- g_config_data_buffer
: cipioconnection.c
, cipioconnection.h
- g_config_data_length
: cipioconnection.c
, cipioconnection.h
- g_connection_management_list
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- g_current_active_tcp_socket
: generic_networkhandler.h
- g_delayed_encapsulation_messages
: encap.c
- g_dummy_connection_object
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- g_encapsulation_inactivity_timeout
: ciptcpipinterface.c
, ciptcpipinterface.h
, sampleapplication.c
- g_end_stack
: main.c
- g_ethernet_link
: cipethernetlink.h
- g_exlusive_owner_connections
: appcontype.c
- g_first_object
: cipmessagerouter.c
- g_incarnation_id
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- g_input_only_connections
: appcontype.c
- g_interface_information
: encap.c
- g_kForwardOpenHeaderLength
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- g_last_time
: generic_networkhandler.h
- g_listen_only_connections
: appcontype.c
- g_message_data_reply_buffer
: cipcommon.c
, cipcommon.h
- g_message_router_request
: cipmessagerouter.c
- g_message_router_response
: cipmessagerouter.c
, cipmessagerouter.h
- g_multicast_configuration
: ciptcpipinterface.c
, ciptcpipinterface.h
- g_network_status
: generic_networkhandler.h
- g_opener_platform_endianess
: endianconv.c
- g_registered_sessions
: encap.c
- g_run_idle_state
: cipioconnection.c
- g_time_to_live_value
: ciptcpipinterface.c
, ciptcpipinterface.h
- g_time_value
: generic_networkhandler.h
- g_timestamps
: generic_networkhandler.h
- GenerateEncapsulationHeader()
: encap.c
, encap.h
- GetAttributeAll()
: cipcommon.c
, cipcommon.h
- GetAttributeAllTcpIpInterface()
: ciptcpipinterface.c
- GetAttributeSingle()
: cipcommon.c
, cipcommon.h
- GetAttributeSingleEthernetLink()
: cipethernetlink.h
, cipethernetlink.c
- GetAttributeSingleQoS()
: cipqos.c
- GetAttributeSingleTcpIpInterface()
: ciptcpipinterface.c
- GetByteFromMessage()
: endianconv.c
, endianconv.h
- GetCipAttribute()
: cipcommon.c
, opener_api.h
- GetCipClass()
: cipmessagerouter.c
, opener_api.h
- GetCipInstance()
: cipmessagerouter.c
, opener_api.h
- GetCipService()
: cipcommon.c
- GetConnectedObject()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
, cipconnectionmanager.h
- GetConnectedOutputAssembly()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
, cipconnectionmanager.h
- GetConnectionId()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
, cipconnectionmanager.h
- GetConnectionManagementEntry()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- GetConnectionOwner()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- GetDintFromMessage()
: endianconv.c
, endianconv.h
- GetElectronicKeyFormat4FromMessage()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetEncapsulationInactivityTimeout()
: ciptcpipinterface.c
, ciptcpipinterface.h
- GetEndianess()
: endianconv.c
, endianconv.h
- GetErrorMessage()
: opener_error.c
, opener_error.h
, opener_error.c
- GetExclusiveOwnerConnection()
: appcontype.c
- GetExistingProducerMulticastConnection()
: appcontype.c
, appcontype.h
- GetFreeExplicitConnection()
: cipclass3connection.c
- GetFreeSessionIndex()
: encap.c
- GetInputOnlyConnection()
: appcontype.c
- GetIntFromMessage()
: endianconv.c
, endianconv.h
- GetIoConnectionForConnectionData()
: appcontype.c
, appcontype.h
- GetListenOnlyConnection()
: appcontype.c
- GetMaxSocket()
: generic_networkhandler.c
, generic_networkhandler.h
- GetMicroSeconds()
: networkhandler.c
, networkhandler.h
- getMicroSeconds()
: networkhandler.c
- GetMilliSeconds()
: networkhandler.h
, networkhandler.c
, networkhandler.h
, networkhandler.c
, networkhandler.h
- GetNextNonControlMasterConnection()
: appcontype.h
, appcontype.c
- GetNextUInt32
: random.h
- GetPaddedLogicalPath()
: cipconnectionmanager.c
- GetPathDataSegmentSimpleDataWordLength()
: cipepath.h
, cipepath.c
- GetPathDataSegmentSubtype()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathLogicalSegmentElectronicKeyFormat()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathLogicalSegmentExtendedLogicalType()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathLogicalSegmentLogicalFormat()
: cipepath.h
, cipepath.c
- GetPathLogicalSegmentLogicalType()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathLogicalSegmentSpecialTypeLogicalType()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathNetworkSegmentProductionInhibitTimeInMicroseconds()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathNetworkSegmentProductionInhibitTimeInMilliseconds()
: cipepath.h
, cipepath.c
- GetPathNetworkSegmentSubtype()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathPortSegmentExtendedLinkAddressSizeBit()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathPortSegmentExtendedPortNumber()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathPortSegmentLinkAddressSize()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathPortSegmentPortIdentifier()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathSegmentType()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathSymbolicSegmentASCIIFormatLength()
: cipepath.c
- GetPathSymbolicSegmentExtendedFormat()
: cipepath.c
, cipepath.h
- GetPathSymbolicSegmentFormat()
: cipepath.h
, cipepath.c
- GetPathSymbolicSegmentNumericType()
: cipepath.h
, cipepath.c
- GetPriorityForSocket()
: cipqos.h
, cipqos.c
- GetRegisteredObject()
: cipmessagerouter.c
- GetSessionFromSocket()
: encap.c
, encap.h
- GetSintFromMessage()
: endianconv.h
, endianconv.c
- GetSizeOfAttribute()
: cipcommon.h
, cipcommon.c
- GetSocketErrorNumber()
: opener_error.c
, opener_error.h
, opener_error.c
- GetUdintFromMessage()
: endianconv.h
, endianconv.c
- GetUintFromMessage()
: endianconv.h
, endianconv.c
- GetUsintFromMessage()
: endianconv.c
, endianconv.h
- GetWordFromMessage()
: endianconv.h
, endianconv.c